Oh god what a day, yesterday. I decided to take a walk up the road to a place called Shambala, a spa retreat and B and B. I had seen their phone number in an English language tourist brochure I picked up in San Ginesio. So I called and talked with Christine, a Brit to see if I could just come check the place out. She was gracious, showed me around. It is a really beautiful place with 6 rooms, a treatment room, a small breakfast room, outdoor seating and a gorgeous swimming pool.
So, before getting envious about this ITALY trip, check this out: after negotiating to get a massage with her tomorrow (my ankle is still painful) she told me that the CARABINIERI had been to her establishment. They are like the sheriff, rather than police, anyway they told her that a band of gypsies have been breaking and entering and robbing people in the area, mostly looking for jewelery. You know the rich foreighners, right. Well, already I have asked David if he and Claudia feel safe being down at the end of a steep gravel road, all alone..................? He just seems a bit like, well they would have a difficult way out, so probably won't be coming down here.
Then in the afternoon, he realized that the land line phone aboslutely does not work, it rings (and rings) but we cannot use the phone to make or receive calls. It needs to be replaced. Well, OK, so he has a cell phone. In the evening we discussed how my room has no bars and would be the easiest way for burglers to enter....so I should definitely lock the shutters to the glass door of my room.................at 3am,
Icould hear that Claudia was up, then she turned on the hall light and David was saying to me that he needed to take Claudia to the hospital. They wanted me to HOLD DOWN THE FORT, and so they dashed off. Do you think I could go back to sleep????? There I was, just listening to weird sounds in the middle of the night, no phone, don't even know David's cell number, but what could I do? Finally, about 6ish I fell off to sleep to be awakened by his alarm clock! Oh god, can I do this? Can I escape? They came back at 8:30, Claudia looking drugged, and David saying: The doctor said: your wife is full of shit! Poor Claudia, she's still not able to really pay attention to herself.
So while she is resting David and I decided to make a trip towards Ancona to find the Ikea store and then MAYBE I can find a small work table.
Fun, fun, fun.....................laters.