Nevertheless, we had a "snack" lunch of little salami panini with beer. This place was over run with British tourists, the first time I've seen anyone who isn't Italian.
OK, I've been here ONE WEEK and I am feeling a bit more adjusted, slept very well last night, went to the police to declare my presence, can use the ATM all by myself. Then this morning while I was sitting in the San Ginesio square waiting for David to come out of the bank, a man came up to me dressed in bizarre overalls which were black with huge bright yellow stripes around his pant legs and sleeves. He asked in Italian if I knew where the municipal offices are. Since David and I had just come from there,I was able to direct him to the commune even though I admitted that I non parlo Italiano.
Hi Gretchen,
I was so happy to log on and find all this! Don't beat yourself up over, language,pictures,etc. You're doing great. It's one thing to visit and entirely another to settle into a lifestyle.
I'm sure it will all start flying by once you truly get settled. So enjoy for all us onlookers. We're just lucky and happy to have a few glimpses!
Much love,
P.S. I think Vanda is my new idol.
I can't believe she is 80!
What is this proof about losing weight. There is no such thing--enjoy yourself! Be healthy and happy. The Times featured Queen Latifah who is the queen of beauty in XL. We are who we are--faking it just makes us crazy and miserable. Science backs this up! Besides that, you rock!! go auntie Gretchen mm
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