Yesterday I felt sufficiently over my cold to go out and walk around the village, taking some pictures. This is the main side street which leads to the downtown area, cars can drive on this too.
This is the walking only path leading back the the house, old walls, new walkway.

I invited Sandro, Antonella, Filippo and Vanda to have dinner with me at the local restaurant, which I knew was good because David and Claudia and I went there about 10 days ago. I had a steak with green peppercorn sauce, yum. It was a way for me to reciprocate all their hospitality AND celebrate turning

Mother and daughter, both stylish and beautiful!

Filippo had a steak too. He's off to Rome this evening to take his
carabinieri test tomorrow.
Hey Cuz...Glad to see that you got out on your 64th Birthday! eat steak no less. It sounds as though the city life suits you, even if you have had a cold for a while. Be well and Happy Happy B-day. XO, El
The stone work on that street picture was gorgeous. Glad you were well enough to celebrate. One more to go and you hit the birthday that generate a major reduction to your healthcare costs.
Hugs, Laura
Belated Happy Birthday Gretchen! We are still holding down the coffee shop for you. Cheers - Rich
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