Tomorrow I'll finish packing up, clean up my room although I am leaving half my clothes here, and some Chinese medicine, other incidentals. David and I will pack the car, go pick up Claudia at school a little after noon. Then we'll start driving to Alme, the suburb of Bergamo, about a six hours drive from here. I've never been there, but I do know that the flat is one third of a three family building, Claudia's brother Sandro, his wife Antonella and their son Filippo live in the upstairs apartment. Vanda, Antonella's mother lives below them on one side and David and Claudia have their place across a hall from Vanda. I have been told that there are shops, coffee bars, etc. right across the street! Oh glory be, I'll be able to walk out when I want to, and I am assuming there will be sidewalks, how nice! Anyway, after a few days David and Claudia will return to San Ginesio. I plan to meet Lisa and Pilar in Venice on Sunday & Monday, which is a holiday here in Italy. Most likely I will stay there until it's time to go to Paris on Jan 15th. I am not sure exactly when I will return, I'm keeping my plans loose for now.
I really need to read my posts! I mean I'll stay in Alme until I leave for Paris, not Venice!
Sounds like a plan. I'm envious. Do you think the rest of us know the difference between one small rural Italian town and another? No. Wish I was there with you to travel. The pictures are such a vivid slice of life. They give me a feel for your physical and social environment as well as being beautiful to boot. Take care. Hugs, Laura
Having trouble with the comments site--mm
ok. It's working again. You're sounding a bit more relaxed. What a journey!! No ping pong ever happened? Glad you'll be in the Paris apt. Winding down around here. xoxox mm ps Just saw Trumbo, a docu of Dalton Trumbo--his daughtr Mitzi was my roommate at Reed. His blacklist days were more brutal than I realized. best of luck--eager to hear from the Orient Express kids--m
yes, you´re off to bergamo! or perhaps you´re there already - i lose track of both tıme and blogtıme these days. your paıntıngs look great though, ıt seems you´ve been quıte productıve sınce our vısıt. god, ı guess that was almost two months ago... ın any case, glad to hear thıngs are movıng along and lookıng good! say hı to davıd and claudıa and the bergamo crew for me!
Hi Gretchen,
Happy Birthday! I hope it was fun. Sounds like dinner was great.
Venice looks beautiful and very cold, but I hear it smells much better in the winter and spring than the summer and fall.
I can't wait to see your comments and pictures of Paris. Andi lived on the left bank in the fifth arrondisement(sp), I believe.
I am preparing to go to Oregon for Christmas. It is supposed to be 12 degrees there tonight, freezing rain and snow tomorrow. Remember the Christmas that you came to the airport to pick me up and we slid home through the snow? That was a very friendly act on your part!
Happy Birthday, friend.
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