Saturday morning we went to Sarnano, which is the next town over from us. I took the picture of the mountains because with the new snow they seem even more impressively CLOSE. David, Claudia and I had a morning coffee and pastries at a lovely bar they found recently, much nicer than any in San Ginesio. I discovered a savory little pastry which was delicious. Then, back to the house to get ready for a visit from Sandra, Roberto and Anna Maria, the Romans we visited about a month ago at their country home about an hour from here. So, the wine was poured about 11:30, we broke open the wild boar salami I had purchased last weekend. Claudia with a little help from me and David fixed pizzocherie, my absolutely favorite dish: buckwheat noodles, which are made in the north, with delicate cabbage, green beans, potatoes, chard and sauteed onions, when that's all cooked LOTS of parmasan cheese is added to make it all stick together. After lunch I showed the Romans my recent paintings, and gave them one I had done of the view from the back of their country home. It seemed they were pleased. THEN, a little coffee to revive us from all the wine.....and then a little dessert they brought: a lovely fresh and dried fruit struddle plus some amazing almond nougat and chocolate candy, also we broke open the bottle of Vino Cotto I had purchased over a month ago..........it's this area's drink that is like port, to be enjoyed with a little dessert. So we did! Of course we didn't have dinner..........enough food for one day.
Yummy bwheat dish--and all the pastries and desserts and vino . . . sounds a lot like fun! Feeling like we thanked the gods here for our abundance--yesterday I got up and started a big minestroni (sp?) soup with cabbage and zukes and leeks and beans, ham, onion, and the regular veggies too including tiny oregon peas. Tony came in the afternoon and whupped us both at pingpong--he's gotten very good and I haven't played much due to seeing if my feet feel beter. They don't--so I will play again. so glad when school stops--bout done with it!!! Lena and Dave Ran and I watched WestWing espisodes as it's in her backyrd now--fun--our T-day was lovely--very much just us at home--family--still nice weather here--a tiny bit of rain. xoox mm
aw, that all sounds so fun! quite decadent... did you ever make it to perugia? perhaps i should read some back entries - i need to catch up. i'm reading this book right now called "eat, pray, love," about a woman finding herself, partially in italy. it's quite engaging, i recommend it if you can find it in an english section of a bookstore somewhere. i'm happy it seems that you're hangin in there! xoxo
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