Been thinking about how it's going language wise, David said it's brave of me to go to Perugia on my own, considering my poor Italian! I'm thinking I'm brave because I have no idea how my feet will hold up!
So, here is what I know to say so far:
Un cappuccino caldo, or molto caldo per favore one cappuccino hot, VERY HOT, please
or un lotte machiato caldo (mostly the drinks are NOT hot enough for me)
la chiave the key
poso pagare? May I pay?
grazie, thank you
prego, welcome
non parlo Italiano, I don't speak Italian, or mi piachere, to my displeasure I don't speak Italian
un kilo medio, a half kilo and that's for carrots, meat, etc.
andiamo, let's go
un camera, a room
allora, well then
ape, the geezer three wheeled truck in the picture which buzzes like a bee, hence APE
pizzoccherie, my favorite dish so far with buckwheat noodles, cabbage, green beans, greens, potatoes and LOTS OF parmasan cheese, parmaggiano
Well that might be about it for now....probably think of other words LATER
OH YES, caci....................persimmon
1 comment:
OK, I feel better now. I have been in Argentina for 2 months and I haven't learned very much Spanish. I just got lazy and decided I would rather travel and sight see than spend 4 hours a day learning a new language. Maybe before I go to Mexico (someday)I will take a course at PCC.....
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